Necessity of Software Test Automation

by Nataliia Vasylyna | February 3, 2012 1:30 pm

Software test automation is necessary to automate several manual operations with the help of test automation tools[1].

Nowadays it is an intense necessity for test automation. The reason is that merely manual testing from the beginning to ending may be monotonous and disposed to software bugs.

But long standing theoretical outputs inform us that no fully automated testing is possible. Even the majority of the main sub-activities, such as output checking or the oracle problem, are insoluble.

Nevertheless, some level of automation for individual quality assurance activities is possible and may be supported by different commercial tools.

The main point in the use of test automation to rescue software testing team of monotonous and iterant operations and to make better general software testing productiveness is to first test what is possible, practicable and saves funds, and after that to set the correct anticipations and purposes.

Different aspects related to test automation comprise:

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