How to Perform Testing with Limited Time

by Nataliia Vasylyna | January 17, 2014 10:00 am

Testers as well as developers are responsible for quality of the software products they work on.

It is known that in order to achieve best results in any activity it is wise to use workflows and thinking instruments. So, it is a good idea to apply some thinking instruments and workflows for mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing.

Of course, each testing type requires specific customized approach. Mobile projects, as a rule, have tight timing constraints. So, there is little time on mobile application testing.

For instance, there is one hour for exploratory testing of the mobile software product. Some testers may start checking functionality of the software, and spend the whole time on it. As a result, nonfunctional issues will remain undiscovered.

In such situation it is better to allow little periods of time to different issues. A software testing company recommends to utilize thinking models and workflows in order to allocate the given time appropriately.

Before Starting to Test a Software Product One Should:

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