What Aspects to Consider During Usability Testing?

by Nataliia Vasylyna | March 3, 2014 10:00 am

At present usability is of outmost importance for any software product, for mobile applications, in particular. In order to perform qualitative usability testing it is wise to engage users in the testing process and work with user models.

In course of mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing it is necessary to take into account not only different personalities of users but various situations and conditions in which the software product may be utilized as well.

Thorough learning of the software users, situations in which the program will be used should be held.

Even if there is no possibility to execute necessary researches, a software testing company advises its testers to simulate various possible situations of usage.

The Common Situations Assume Interacting with the Software When the User Is:

In course of web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing one should make sure that the software product is clear for all categories of its users. Users should know when an operation is completed, when an operation is in progress, when an operation is failed. It must be obvious for users how to perform necessary actions and get needed results.

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Source URL: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2014/03/03/what-aspects-should-be-considered-during-usability-testing/