What Serious Defects Network Transition Points Hide

by Nataliia Vasylyna | March 7, 2014 10:00 am

The tasks are usually prioritized in course of mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. The more important ones are done carefully and insignificant ones may be omitted or done hastily due to time and budget constraints.

In order to set priorities correctly and not to leave unchecked significant issues testers should be familiar with technologies and interrelations of the tested system and realize possible impact on the application under test of various errors.

A professional software testing company advises not to underestimate issues coming from network transitions during mobile testing. Such defects may affect not only the application itself.

A mobile software product is constantly exchanging data with the servers when it is functioning. It is known that if an operation is started at a network transition point, for instance, where the tablet or the smartphone loses WiFi signals and connects to a cellular network, the tested software product may go into an error mode, crash or hang.

Sometimes testers forget that such testing works may reveal far more serious software bugs. There are cases when executing of some operations at a network transition point caused freezing ups not only of the tested program, but of the servers as well.

Such unexpected and grave defects are rare, but testers should remember that some actions may produce unforeseen outcomes. That is why automated testing of aspects related to network transitions is not utilized by experienced testers. Such activities should be done by hand.

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Source URL: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2014/03/07/what-serious-defects-may-network-transition-points-hide/