Testing and Pulp Fiction: what is in common?

by Nataliia Vasylyna | October 19, 2015 1:24 pm

One can hardly believe that software testing and pulp fiction have much in common. But it is really so. The principles of both are based on similar issues. The methods used in pulp fiction reflect some key points of the activity of software testing company.

What Are Resembling Features for Testing and Pulp Fiction?

• The most essential things take place off-stage. Spectators see only the consequences of the difficult and time-consuming processes. In this case, black-box testing[1] is a perfect example. The incorrect software operation cannot be actually seen; only its results are noticed.
• There are many episodes in the movie but only after watching them all, the general idea of the film is clear. Just like during integration testing[2]. Only after the components of system and their various combinations are tested, the product can be released.
• Breaks are good. It is very important for a work to be rated. Testers as well as actors should be full of energy and forces to do their job the best way possible.
• Only exact definitions should be used. An actor cannot change every word of the screenplay. The same situation with testing. Performing mobile testing[3], testers have to use the appropriate definitions of the terms without any changes in meaning.
• Frequently, movie stars and testing specialists use their own means and skills in the work. Both get additional information about their field from different sources. There are some facts remembered from university, read from the book or found with the help of Google.

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Source URL: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2015/10/19/testing-pulp-fiction/