5 Open-Source Mobile App Security Testing Tools

by Nataliia Vasylyna | February 9, 2017 9:18 am

To secure mobile applications from various attacks is not a simple task. Modern programs and apps pass thorough security testing in order to define the weak point of the system. In general, mobile testing[1] has become an inevitable part of the dev procedure.

As there are different mobile OS[2], the checking of the mobile products (penetration and access control testing) should be conducted in accordance with their specific features. So iOS and Android security testing will differ.

What are security testing tools for mobile apps?

Learn more from QATestLab

Related Posts:

  1. mobile testing: http://mobile.qatestlab.com
  2. mobile OS: https://qatestlab.com/resources/knowledge-center/mobile-operating-systems/
  3. penetration testing.: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2018/04/30/software-penetration-testing/
  4. Top 5 security leaks of Android applications: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2019/10/01/android-applications-security-2/
  5. Android Application Testing Framework – Hello World Tutorial: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2011/03/01/android-application-testing-framework-hello-world-tutorial/
  6. Android VS iOS: Key Differences for Mobile App Testing: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2025/02/13/android-vs-ios-key-differences-for-mobile-app-testing/

Source URL: https://blog.qatestlab.com/2017/02/09/mobile-testing-tools/