The Power of Automation Testing: Magic Bullet or Smart Investment? (based on a case study)

There are many misconceptions surrounding automation testing. Some view it as a silver bullet that solves all testing woes. Others fear it’s too complex and expensive. Today, we aim to

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6 Steps To Automate Your Testing Process

Hello, everyone! My name is Valeriia, and I am a Business Development Manager at QATestLab. With an extensive background in working with test automation, I understand many businesses are holding

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Test Automation Myths: Where the Truth Ends and the Myth Begins?

In the realm of Quality Assurance (QA), automation testing is often shrouded in misconceptions. Today, we aim to dispel these myths and reveal the true power of test automation, highlighting

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How Healthy Is Your Testing Process? A Full Checklist

When it comes to software development, having a healthy testing process is key. It is all about making sure your team can catch bugs early, keep costs down, and get

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Top 5 QA Automation Trends in 2024 Era

The year 2024 is set to uncover the QA automation trends in 2024 that are more integrated, intelligent, and impactful than ever. Recent studies project a staggering 23% annual growth

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Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends to Consider in 2024

The relentless pace of technological advancement showers us with unseen innovations, particularly in the realm of mobile apps and devices. Today, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches have become indispensable companions, seamlessly

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Next-Gen Testing: AI and RPA Redefining Automation Strategies

AI and RPA (Artificial Intelligence & Robotic Process Automation) have emerged as a cornerstone of operational efficiency in the contemporary business landscape. Many companies have embraced this technological revolution, recognizing

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Initiating Automation Testing in the Digital Era: Decoding Its Significance and the Wisdom of Vendor Collaboration

Nowadays, automation is swiftly transitioning from being a mere strategic edge to an unequivocal need. 87% of experienced QA experts, who have been doing automation testing for over five years,

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Unreal Automation: Boosting Efficiency and Quality in Game Testing

Test automation is a critical part of the game development process. It helps ensure that games are free of bugs and meet the expectations of players. Unreal Engine provides a

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Decoding the Science of Software Testing for Hardware

In our current dynamic technological era, hardware and software stand as essential elements of any tech-based solution. Hardware, being the physical component, triggers action, while the software, akin to the

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Is Source Code Really Necessary for Successful Automation?

Test Automation is an essential aspect of software development as it helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the testing process. One frequently asked question is whether it’s possible

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