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What Is Data-Driven Testing?

Generally an application has to be tested with manifold complement of data. For example, a simple login screen, which depends on the user kind, will give dissimilar rights for different

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Coverage Techniques in Software Testing

Note: this atricle was updated in July 2019. How to cover everything with your attention and control? In software testing, we use test coverage to define the percent of executed

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Regression and Confirmation testing. What is the difference?

Note: this article was updated in September 2019. In this article, we would like to separate the differences between these types of tests. But, where and why to use each

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Traditional and Modern Way of Software Testing

Many organizations still use such testing methodology (it is also called traditional) where software testing is usually conducted after the build and execution stages. Traditional (old) way of software testing:

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What is Monkey Testing?

Note: this article was updated in July 2019 Is it right to trust to chance, especially when it comes to your job? If to talk about software testing, you hardly

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Difference Between System and Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing tests the system whether it satisfies the requirements. It is alike with System testing in such focus that the whole system is checked. But it is significant dissimilarity

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Preparation of Acceptance Test Plan

In any software testing project the acceptance document is basically prepared using the certain inputs. But this can vary depending on organization and project. Here are the most general inputs

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Latent and Masked Software Bugs: What’s the Difference?

Note: the article was updated in October 2018 Bugs can attack your software at any time especially when you do not expect to meet them. Some software defects are not

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How Does Software Testing Affect Risk?

A risk is such circumstance which can arise wastes. Risk can only be controlled in different scenarios but not absolutely removed. A defect generally transforms to a risk. Let’s imagine,

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Main Types of Defects in Software Testing

Note: the article was updated in August 2018. There are several different classifications of software issues that are based on a certain criterion, for example, classification according to defect severity,

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The Main Goal of Acceptance Testing

Note: this article was updated in December 2019. Have you already conducted all system tests? Are all the bugs found and fixed? Looks like you have done with testing, there

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