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How to Perform Equivalence Class Testing?

Among the specialists from software testing company, equivalence class testing is widely executed. And some testers may perform it without being aware what technique they are using. In software testing

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What Design Approaches Can Be Applied to Testing?

It is well-known that a lot of various approaches and principles are applied in software testing field. These approaches may concern not only IT sphere. That is why curious and

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Peculiarities of Testing Levels

In software testing field, various types of checking procedure are performed. Each such type has its own goal, specific features and peculiarities of execution. Software testing types can be divided

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Why Does Testing Need an ‘Oracle’?

The specialists from software testing company create and use test cases to execute usability testing or performance testing effectively. Test cases consist of three elements: inputs, outputs and the execution order.

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Why Test Cases Should Be Designed?

To perform either functional testing or system testing, a tester should write the test cases. Some specialists of software testing company underestimate the importance and necessity of test cases. So

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Challenges in Software Testing

IT is rather complicated sphere which requires profound knowledge and good practical skills. There are a lot of a little bit confusing concepts and approaches. But good theoretical and practical

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5 Levels of Testing Maturity

In software products testing field, a lot of various definitions of the notion ‘software testing’ are suggested by the specialists of IT sphere. There is no universal description of this

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How to Distinguish Between QC, QA and Testing?

The specialists of IT sphere should clearly understand different notions and concepts. Several notions may have some resembling features. To avoid mixing up such a kind of concepts, one should

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What Is Localization Testing?

Everyone knows that in software testing field, there are different types of product checking. The aim of the testing procedure is not just to control the functionality of the system

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The Difficulties of Localization Testing

Every software testing type has its own difficulties and peculiarities of the performance procedure. Now, it is the time to clearly understand what troubles a tester may face during localization

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What Is TDD (Test Driven Development)?

TDD is an abbreviation for test driven development. It is the special practice of the code creation used by developers. Not all development teams practice TDD. One may think that

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