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How Game Testing Increases User Engagement: Secrets from QA Program Manager

User engagement defines a successful game. To explain how to increase this issue, we held a webinar on June 11 hosted by Ivan Kovalchuk, Program Manager, and QA engineer with

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Testing self-driving cars & Machine Learning Models

Tesla’s Autopilot, Waymo, Uber… The autonomous revolution is already here, but its proper functioning is a big concern. The main goal behind self-driving cars testing is simple: to ensure cars

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Top 10 Best Powerful Regression Testing Tools in 2020

Perplexed and the least favorite type of testing, regression testing can be a real challenge for QA engineers. But, fortunately, there are automated regression testing tools that make this process easier.

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Game Software Testing: Cases for enhancing in-house team

Complex logic, sophisticated graphics, intricate design – game development very much contrasts with other IT areas and hence requires appropriate testing. For in-house teams, such a multi-component nature requires selecting

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New job title: The Ethical Hacker on Artificial Intelligence

We live in a time of rapid technological progress. As soon as we discover something new, we go even further and face new heights and possibilities to use technologies. Artificial

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Automation QA engineer skills & responsibilities

Technical tester, developers in testing, and even QA-SDET – today, Automation QA engineers have a variety of names. Automation is continuously improving and demanding creative, progressive, and problem-solving thinking. It

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What is Scriptless Automated Testing?

Fast, effective, reliable in results – Automation testing has long captured the allegiance of both testing engineers and clients who want to test their software. But what if to go

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Machine Learning: explanation and its role for Automated Testing

Since there is a bunch of explanations on the net, Machine learning can be a tricky subject for non-experts. People often mistook and have a blurry understanding of what is

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Automated Testing – an Investment in the Future or a Hype Project

On November 28, QATestLab held a webinar to find out whether automated testing is a fashion trend or a real opportunity to save money. We talked to Elena, a project

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How Artificial Intelligence Affects Software Testing

There are countless headlines on the net about AI and the way it transforms everything. What about its impact on software testing? How can AI testing change the future for

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Selenium Testing – The Bright and the Dark Sides

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about automation testing? I can’t read your thoughts, but one of them is definitely Selenium. Winning the hearts

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