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Blockchain Technology: How Safe Is It?

Blockchain technology has made a lot of noise and only the laziest one does not know what it is and how it works. But when blockchain hype subsided a bit,

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DevSecOps: What is its Place in the Development Process?

So many Devs and Ops you should keep an eye on while developing or working with the software. How to filter them and implement only necessary techniques and methodologies? We

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TOP 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startups You should Know

Right now, Artificial Intelligence is the massive technological boom that redefines the way we think, the way we live and do business. Having no geographical boundaries, ai tech almost guarantees

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What we learned from 100,000 game bugs reported?

On October 25 QATestLab held a webinar with our best test engineers Ivan, Alex, and Nazar to learn about game testing from experienced insiders, dispel popular myths and discuss unusual

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Continuous Testing and Test Automation: What is the Difference?

If you have 100% knowledge of the nuances and diversity of the сontinuous testing and test automation, you can leave this page and read something else. Here we will not

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Digitization, Digitalization, And Digital Transformation: What is the difference?

Who else is got lost in such notions as digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation? Me not. Already. In this article, I’ll share with you my conclusions on the difference between

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How to survive Mobile Automation with Appium? Basic Challenges and Solutions

Appium lets you test all types of apps: hybrid, native or web ones. It doesn’t matter on which OS an app works, Appium doesn’t need a code of source to

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How Much Does DevOps influence Quality Assurance?

Teams around the globe are always in search of ways to improve productivity and optimize processes. Nowadays, it’s DevOps and Agile. They are focusing the team’s attention on the ways

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How Internet of Things Products Became our Reality

Talking pillows, smart forks that control your eating, electronic pet friends… Sound like elements from a new part of Back to the Future scenario, but no. These are some of

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Testing at a Complex Project: QATestLab Real Case

While you are planning your vacation or are already enjoying a cocktail on the beach, the growth of IT projects is not going to slow down. They grow and develop,

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Choosing Devices for Game Testing: How to Play this Game?

Today’s players know what they want. They are familiar with the quality of the graphic, scenarios, and strategies of games. Talking shortly, users know how to recognize a great job

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