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Software Tester in 2018: skills and duties

The priority for every self-standing person is to decide the area of employment. Let’s suggest that you are the lucky one. The sphere of your interest is in IT, and

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Indie Games: What is it about?

A professional gamer has heard the “indie game” phrasing at least once. To amateur game players, this definition may seem somewhat strange and probably connected with Indian films. Is it

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Top Software Bugs 2018

The software is closer to you than meets the eye. If a person is a part of some social media, has a GPS tracker in his car or simply uses

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When say “no” to automated testing?

Despite providing a number of advantages, automation of software testing applied to the “improper” project may cause a failure of software release. To avoid such a scenario, you should know

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Mobile Game Testing: Factors to Consider

Note: This article was updated in September 2020 Worldwide mobile gaming revenue is expected to top $100 billion by 2021. Why are mobile games so popular? Convenience. You can play wherever

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Software trends and their influence on QA and testing

QA (Quality Assurance) and software testing trends are prescribed by tendencies of software development and IT innovations. To know what to expect in the field of testing, let’s have a

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Artificial Intelligence: adoption and obstacles

2018 is a year of Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies. They attract a lot of attention including media coverage making companies to explore and adopt AI technologies. Time

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How to verify the performance of mobile games?

Note: the article was updated in September 2020. Why are mobile games so popular? Because of their diversity and convenience. But for current mobile games, the most important thing is

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How to automate web testing with manual QA team?

Automation helps to accelerate testing activities, to ensure wider test coverage and to improve quality of the final product. You can apply automation principle to verify mobile and web software.

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Internet of Things: why projects fail

In 1988, the article published in New York Times said that in future people would be able to put the light on, switch on / off radio and television, even

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Test Automation in Agile Environment

According to Agile methodology, all processes should be fast and iterative, and test automation solves this problem. The implementation of continuous integration ensures quick turnarounds. The execution of the test

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