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Financial Planning and Banking Applications: Why Testing is a Key?

Today there is a wide spectrum of applications that help to fine-tune financial goals. But not all of them can offer the utmost security and reliability. That’s why customers often

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Smoke Testing: What, Why & When

Testing type, the idea of which is to identify serious problems as early as possible and reject this build (return for revision) at a preliminary stage of testing. Smoke testing

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E-commerce Software Testing Guide

At a time when people around the world are pondering whether they’ll ever be able to spend another weekend at the mall, e-commerce websites and apps have been thriving like

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Performance Testing of E-commerce Applications

Since shopping moved largely online, the buyers of today have lots of options to choose from. The number of e-commerce applications is gaining traction, so does the competition on the

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7 Types of Security Testing

Nowadays, software users are highly concerned about the security of the data they store online. At the end of the day, there is a high possibility that hackers would try

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The A-Z Guide: When Mobile App Testing Is Done Right?

A great mobile application is built on a great idea. But no matter how excellent and salable it is, one little error can make everything sink into oblivion. That’s why

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How to Craft Superb QA Engineer CV: Guide + Interview Tips

Wanna get a job you have always dreamed about? Start with Curriculum vitae (CV). Skills, experience, personal data. In times of high competition in the market, a good CV isn’t

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A/B Testing for Magento-based Apps: Optimizing Online Shopping Experience

Even though the majority of people have switched their preferences from traditional to online stores, they still crave illuminated showcases and an all-inclusive shopping experience. That said, the website interface,

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Exploratory Testing: Benefits, Techniques, and Applications

It was J.R.R. Tolkien who said, “Not all those who wander are lost.” Get ready to set off on a new adventure then, our brave tech enthusiasts, as exploratory testing

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The Path of QA Jedi: 10 Books Every Tester Should Read

Gaining knowledge on QA engineering is a challenging path only the brave can handle. But while there are lots of things to learn, read, and try in practice, is there

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How to Write a Quality Bug Report

Create your bug reports like a pro, so your colleagues have no doubt you are one. In this article, we won’t just provide you with a few hints on bug

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