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What is Compatibility Testing?

The top-quality program worth nothing if one consumer is able to use it, but another is not. A soft cannot be just a good one, it has to be universal!

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WebMethod testing with iTKO LISA

What are webMethod /Software AG? webMethod suite is a software for process improvement, SOA enablement, IT modernization and business and partner integration. To ensure integration projects deliver expected business results,

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What is Fuzz Testing?

Note: the article was updated in June 2018. First of all, fuzz is a random input of valid and invalid data generated for software testing. Fuzz testing or simply fuzzing

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What Is A Mobile App and Why Do I Want One?

The birth of mobile phones brought us handy wireless communications devices but not much else. Over time as the cell phone has evolved, they’ve become more than just a means

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3 Forms of Acceptance Testing and their Application

Any application has to be tested. One highly respected programmer said: “programs that are not tested, are not working.” Acceptance testing is performed based on a set of common test

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Running Selenium Server Using Custom Firefox Profile

Let’s create custom firefox profile at first: 1. Close all running copies of firefox 2. Start => Run 3. Type firefox.exe -ProfileManager -no-remote, other often offer to run command firefox.exe

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Interview Questions of Selenium

1.    What is the difference between an assert and a verify with Selenium commands? 2.    What Selenese commands can be used to help debug a regexp? 3.    What is one

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3 Goals of Usability Testing

The study of user behaviour on the Web shows that they do not perceive the slow sites and sites with complex designs. People do not want to wait. Also, they

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27% of QA Teams Don’t Use a Bug Tracker

Note: the article was updated in June 2018. According to a Data Research conducted by Testuff, a provider of solution for test management activities, 27% of test management tool users

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Apache JMeter Basis

I’ve been doing some self-training for a few weeks. This time the choice fell on performance testing and specifically on a very interesting and useful open-source tool from Apache. I

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5 Simple Ways to Reproduce Not Reproducible Bug

There are often situations in the daily work of a software tester when it is impossible to give precise instructions how to reproduce the bug for developers or other team

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