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Why Do We Need Performance Testing?

Note: the article was updated in June 2018. The digital technologies are improving with every single day. This fact has made modern customers very demanding in the question of technology

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Types of Bugs in Software Testing

Note: the article was updated in May 2022. Today, software teams face a lot of pressure to write large lines of code quickly, efficiently, and accurately to meet all business

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What is Zombie Testing?

Note: This article was updated in November 2020. “Zombie testing” is a routine test execution using predetermined patterns and methods. In software testing, zombies are mostly concentrated on fulfilling their

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What is the Main Aim of Software Tester?

“The main activity of testers is that they provide to the project participants of development software negative feedback on the quality of the product.” D. Spolsky recently described the same

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Aggressive and Passive Testing

I’ve been thinking about how I *bucket* testing. Here is what I mean. I see testing as aggressive and passive. Aggressive testing, to me, is the art of asking the product

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Non-Regression testing, what is it?

The article was updated in May 2018. Making code changes, a developer may affect the proper work of the software. Even a small tweak can cause unexpected consequences or provoke

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Selenium Auto Accept Self Signed SSL Certificates and Basic Authentication

One of my biggest annoyances and unresolved issues with Selenium is the self-signed SSL certificates. This was a huge issue for me on the last project when we had dozen

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JavaScript Testing Beginner’s Guide

JavaScript is an important part of web development in today’s Web 2.0 world. While there are many JavaScript frameworks in the market, learning to write, test, and debug JavaScript without

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Software Testing Checklist – 5 Steps to Success

Note: this article was updated in April 2019. Nowadays, any ordinary actions, important events or the entire working year are easy to control with a proper checklist. Numerous procedures that

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Negative Test Cases for Functional Testing

Negative testing is a testing technique when invalid input data are used for software quality assessment. Its purpose is to check the software behavior in case of invalid input. In

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Unit Testing SharePoint with TypeMock (Part I)

As a developer testing isn’t necessarily fun but it is an essential aspect of what we do. I find it’s always a challenge to find the best approach that balances

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