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How Artificial Intelligence Affects Software Testing

There are countless headlines on the net about AI and the way it transforms everything. What about its impact on software testing? How can AI testing change the future for

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Blockchain Technology: How Safe Is It?

Blockchain technology has made a lot of noise and only the laziest one does not know what it is and how it works. But when blockchain hype subsided a bit,

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DevSecOps: What is its Place in the Development Process?

So many Devs and Ops you should keep an eye on while developing or working with the software. How to filter them and implement only necessary techniques and methodologies? We

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TOP 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startups You should Know

Right now, Artificial Intelligence is the massive technological boom that redefines the way we think, the way we live and do business. Having no geographical boundaries, ai tech almost guarantees

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Cloud-based Load Testing: Does it go Up or Down?

Hardware days are over, cloud computing is a new black! At least, today’s hype makes us believe so. Due to the number of sweet promises, companies are quickly moving towards

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What is PSD2 (Payment Service Directive 2) about?

The processing of online payments will be greatly influenced by the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) adopted by countries of the European Union. This document is an addition to the

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These 5 Major UI Mistakes will Kill Your App

Elaborate user interface (UI) design of the app seems to be a secondary priority for 6 out of 10 owners. Well, their loss. UI plays a significant role in the

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Digitization, Digitalization, And Digital Transformation: What is the difference?

Who else is got lost in such notions as digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation? Me not. Already. In this article, I’ll share with you my conclusions on the difference between

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Why CMS-based Websites Require Testing

If you worked with sites built on Content Management Systems (CMS), then you know that such sites hundred percent require testing. Do such systems have common problems, or they depend

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How to save money for buying a new car by measuring code coverage

If your purpose is to run in a race for the best business solutions for IT projects, you know that there’s always a lot of risks. But what can be

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How to make users add your online shop to bookmarks?

Note: This article was updated in September 2020 Among 20 million eCommerce stores there are only 1 million that have the sale amount of more than $1,000 annually. Why customers come

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