QA Basics

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Know Your Enemy in Face: Types of Bugs & Ways to Prevent Them

Your software works fine, and then suddenly, start to display one error after another? Why does it happen? The reason is apparent – you encounter a software bug. But what

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E-Commerce Testing Checklist: Are you ready for digital transformation?

Technological leapfrog, mobile revolution, digital transformation… we are gradually moving to a new normal in our foreseeable future. But is your e-commerce application ready to face new challenges? Let’s check

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Agile Testing Top 10 Practices: How to Improve Release Management?

For software testing, the central idea behind agile practices is simple: to ensure flexible, and bug-free code, high test coverage, and greater productivity of the tests. But if to look

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User Acceptance Testing Checklist: Upgrade Your Testing Process

Performing the User Acceptance Testing is the crucial step towards the real expectations of your target customers. This article suggests the User Acceptance Testing Plan one should take into account

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Gamers tips & tricks: How to boost Gaming PC Performance

Are you fed up with your PC being slow for gaming? This article includes easy tips applicable to any PC to improve your Gaming Performance. Why is my PC too

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Acceptance Testing: How to Predict a Real-life Experience

Acceptance Testing is one of the ways to improve the target customers’ experience. Nowadays it is important as more and more companies try to meet the requirements of their target

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Test Design Specification

Test Design Specification Test design is a procedure that explains how testing should be performed. It consists of processes that are aimed at effective test cases identification. In some projects

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Top-10 Trends in E-commerce Development

The E-commerce market expands every day and more people use this resource nowadays. It is estimated that 1,92 billion people shop online. What trends will dominate in the following years?

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Magento for e-Commerce projects: Testing Cases from QA Engineers

Magento is one of the top-notch solutions for e-commerce products, and the reason for this is obvious. It is an open-sourced, easy-to-use, SEO-friendly, fast loading/ quick returns system for content

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Five reasons why developers are not good testers

Why developers are so frustrated with testing? Why there are so many discussions, and, what is more important, memes on the net like Tester vs Developer? YES, there is a

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Performance Testing: 6 Best Practices

As far as modern mobile app users do not have time for stuck and slow applications that crash because of heavy workloads, an app should be checked for performance stability

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