QA Basics

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Apache JMeter Basis

I’ve been doing some self-training for a few weeks. This time the choice fell on performance testing and specifically on a very interesting and useful open-source tool from Apache. I

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5 Simple Ways to Reproduce Not Reproducible Bug

There are often situations in the daily work of a software tester when it is impossible to give precise instructions how to reproduce the bug for developers or other team

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Software Testing Techniques : Positive vs Negative

Positive Software Testing Techniques Positive software testing techniques focus on validating a predefined expectation. In other words, these techniques help you verify that what is supposed to happen actually does

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Software Testing Techniques

Introduction Because of the fallibility of its human designers and its own abstract, complex nature, software development must be accompanied by quality assurance activities. It is not unusual for developers

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Difference Between White Box, Black Box, and Gray Box Testing

Note: the article was updated in September 2018. In this article, we are going to talk about three common approaches to software testing: white-box, black-box, and grey-box testing. We will

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4 Steps For Successful UI Prototyping

Note: this article was updated in October 2019. One of the most important steps in creating something new is prototyping. If the mistake was made at this stage, it would

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Pareto Principle in Software Testing

Note: The article was updated in February 2021. The Pareto Principle states that 20% of efforts bring 80% of results, and the other 80% of efforts bring only 20% of

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Adding Custom Result Types in TestLink

We actively use TestLink as the management system for testing. It is also very convenient to use it in conjunction with the automated tests. A little later I will tell

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E-mail Distribution of Test Results Obtained from Selenium + TestNG

If you have to run a bunch of automated tests using Selenium + TestNG, the results of running the tests can be easily sent to all interested parties automatically. It

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3 Main Benefits of Ad Hoc Testing

If you do not have sufficiently detailed software specifications and, we can offer you ad hoc testing. More upated information about ad hoc testing you can find here. Ad hoc

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4 Best Add-ons to Identify Selenium Locators

Locators allow tester to find elements on a page that can be used in automated tests. And it is not trivial task to uniquely identify some locators. I offer 4

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