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Integration Testing: Essence and Approaches

Nowadays it is a good practice to test the system before the production code is written. This means that software testing is performed in parallel with writing code lines. Usually,

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How to Create a Good Bug Report?

While testing, the specialist should obligatory follow certain stages in order to complete QA process successfully. Thus, the bug finding procedure always includes defect reporting. There are many different bug

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RDBM Testing Tools

The specialists of software testing company usually perform database testing using special tools. For a successful RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) testing, it is required two types of testing tools.

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What Is Database Sandbox?

Note: this article was updated in December 2019. Who hasn’t played with the sandbox in childhood?! Probably, only a few…or nobody? But what do these childhood memories have in common

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Relational Database Testing

Usually, database testing is neglected at all or conducted formally without any detalization. But this software testing procedure is an inevitable part of agile testing and it should become an

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The Basis of Performance Testing

There were many articles, describing the core of performance checking during test activity. Now it is time to look at the upside, trying to understand the essence of this type

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Software Test Automation: Problems and Tips

Frequently, QA teams are in a fix when it comes to automation. It is required many skills, effort, and experience in order to thorough know when to implement automated tests.

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4 Inherent Parts of Modern Test Automation

Everyday new trends, terms, and concepts appear in the IT world. It happens so because information innovations have been permanently developing during last few decades. And what took much time,

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Similarities Between Mobile Testing and Other Testing Types

Many testers, especially the newcomers, tend to believe that mobile testing is a separate group of checking procedures that implicate the specified test techniques and rules, absolutely different from the

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‘Rainbow’ Box Testing

Every software tester knows the specifics of black and white box testing, and the majority of specialists apply the technique of gray box testing. These methods of checking the quality

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What Is LoadUI?

Usually, while executing performance testing, load testing or stress checking, the test team uses special tools that simplify and make the checking process faster and more effective. There are various

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