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Everything You Should Know About Accessibility Testing

The most famous and bright example of why content accessibility testing should be done happened with the popular anime Pokemon: over 685 victims. So, on December 16, 1997, all the

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Software Testing for Hyper-Casual Games: Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy

A couple of years ago everyone said that hyper-casual games were having a moment. But now it’s clear that the “moment” has stretched into a longer trend.  According to statistics

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Risks & Testing Standards for iGaming Solutions

Despite being considered a product for entertaining users, iGaming software deals with an extremely sensitive subject: their money. New features need to be delivered fast, but quality remains the main

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The Role of Testers in an Agile Company

Do Agile companies need software testers? And if they do, how does being an Agile tester differ from working in other environments? While all members of an Agile team are

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How Independent Testing Saves the Day for Gaming Apps

As much as game developers are passionate about what they create, gamers are straightforward about their opinions on games. Fortunately or not, the number of downloads from AppStore and Google

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Test Automation for Video Games: Things to Consider Before You Start

How do you feel about processing every added feature in WoW, Forza Horizon, or The Sims Online manually to make sure they work as intended? How long would it take

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Smoke Testing: What, Why & When

Testing type, the idea of which is to identify serious problems as early as possible and reject this build (return for revision) at a preliminary stage of testing. Smoke testing

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E-commerce Software Testing Guide

At a time when people around the world are pondering whether they’ll ever be able to spend another weekend at the mall, e-commerce websites and apps have been thriving like

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Performance Testing of E-commerce Applications

Since shopping moved largely online, the buyers of today have lots of options to choose from. The number of e-commerce applications is gaining traction, so does the competition on the

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7 Types of Security Testing

Nowadays, software users are highly concerned about the security of the data they store online. At the end of the day, there is a high possibility that hackers would try

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7 Things Gamers Expect from a Multiplayer Online Game – and Why QA is One of Them

Game development is a rapidly maturing craft, with the new generation of tech-savvy dreamers creating fantastic new worlds and monetizing their success. You definitely have a dream too. You are

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