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Artificial Intelligence for Game Testing: A Friend or a Foe?

The game industry is developing at a rapid pace, and game testing, in turn, becomes a more puzzled and extensive one. Meantime, the advent of technologies powered with Artificial Intelligence

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Webinar | How to ensure positive shopping experience: step-by-step guide on testing of Magento based online stores

There is no second chance for an online store to make the first sale if a visitor has a bad experience – slow page load, chart errors, inconvenient navigation, etc.

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How Game Testing Increases User Engagement: Secrets from QA Program Manager

User engagement defines a successful game. To explain how to increase this issue, we held a webinar on June 11 hosted by Ivan Kovalchuk, Program Manager, and QA engineer with

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E-Commerce Testing Checklist: Are you ready for digital transformation?

Technological leapfrog, mobile revolution, digital transformation… we are gradually moving to a new normal in our foreseeable future. But is your e-commerce application ready to face new challenges? Let’s check

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Agile Testing Top 10 Practices: How to Improve Release Management?

For software testing, the central idea behind agile practices is simple: to ensure flexible, and bug-free code, high test coverage, and greater productivity of the tests. But if to look

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Top-10 Trends in E-commerce Development

The E-commerce market expands every day and more people use this resource nowadays. It is estimated that 1,92 billion people shop online. What trends will dominate in the following years?

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Magento for e-Commerce projects: Testing Cases from QA Engineers

Magento is one of the top-notch solutions for e-commerce products, and the reason for this is obvious. It is an open-sourced, easy-to-use, SEO-friendly, fast loading/ quick returns system for content

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Game Software Testing: Cases for enhancing in-house team

Complex logic, sophisticated graphics, intricate design – game development very much contrasts with other IT areas and hence requires appropriate testing. For in-house teams, such a multi-component nature requires selecting

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What we learned from 100,000 game bugs reported?

On October 25 QATestLab held a webinar with our best test engineers Ivan, Alex, and Nazar to learn about game testing from experienced insiders, dispel popular myths and discuss unusual

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Performance Testing: 6 Best Practices

As far as modern mobile app users do not have time for stuck and slow applications that crash because of heavy workloads, an app should be checked for performance stability

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Testing at a Complex Project: QATestLab Real Case

While you are planning your vacation or are already enjoying a cocktail on the beach, the growth of IT projects is not going to slow down. They grow and develop,

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