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How to verify the performance of mobile games?

Note: the article was updated in September 2020. Why are mobile games so popular? Because of their diversity and convenience. But for current mobile games, the most important thing is

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Performance Testing: how to detect system bottlenecks

The main aim of performance testing is to detect performance bottlenecks that can cause negative user experience and even software fail. The most common system bottlenecks are slow response time,

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Data Breaches: why to watch your back

In 2018, cybersecurity still remains a stumbling rock. Last year showed that hackers’ attacks became more sophisticated. In comparison to 2016, the number of data breaches in 2017 was 44.7%

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QA in Game Industry: how to enforce fun with quality

Quality is of importance for every software development procedure, and the game industry is not an exception. To ensure a high quality of software, three levels / types of activities

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How spammers get your data from health and fitness apps?

Do you have a health and fitness application installed on your smartphone? Do you monitor your sleep cycles, count calories and track your activity using an application? Or do you

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Forget the password? Then scan your finger

How do you unlock your smartphone? Do you enter the password or use fingerprint authentication? How do you confirm a transaction in your banking application? Do you enter a correct

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Agile Testing: Crossing the T’s

In conditions of dynamic markets and fast-changing industries requirements, the release of new or updated software products should be rapid. Otherwise, a product will be presented to the end users

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Cloud Testing: don’t let the cloud turn to ‘thunder’

Generating new traffic, providing new services to be sold, and increasing the profit, the cloud grows fast and requires new business models and coordinated the work of several players. In

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Positive UX – how to make wow effect simple

Do you return home if you forget your phone on a table? Can you live at least one day without any gadget or PC? According to the report made by

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Can cyber security culture ensure hacker’s wipeout?

Recent successful cyber attacks force to change the attitude to cyber security culture that is closely connected with the company’s culture as well. Poor corporate culture evokes not only problems

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How has Virtual Reality changed game testing?

Several years ago VR (Virtual Reality) has blown up the entertainment market and now it is considered to be one of the most perspective fields of the progress. From the

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