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How to Grow Professionally in Software Testing?

Having found an interesting occupation and got a good job, one shouldn’t stop and relax. In order to be successful and grow professionally one should constantly learn something new. People

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How to Build a Career in Software Testing?

Possessing necessary personal qualities and professional skills, one can quickly build a career in software testing field. The most important is to be good in finding defects during web site

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How to Perform Software Testing Effectively?

As a rule, information technology attracts extraordinary people with a creative mindset. This field is always developing, and new ideas and solutions appear all the time. Every software development process

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How to Get New Ideas for Software Testing?

Efficient software testing demands a lot of personal and professional qualities. Most of them can be developed, the main thing is to be passionate about web site testing, desktop testing,

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How to Increase Test Coverage?

There are a lot of applications with serious errors. Despite the developers’ efforts, manual and automated testing, the end-users face various defects in many software products. This happens because of

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Creative Thinking in Software Testing

It is known that mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing require creative thinking. Conventional way of thinking does not allow to build a career in any branch of

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What is Significant During Software Testing?

As a matter of fact, it is not easy to be good in manual or automated testing. One should not only be well familiar with the latest tendencies in information

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Specifics of Security Testing of Banking App

Banking software products become more and more popular as they allow the users to perform necessary financial operations in the comfort of their homes and anywhere, where there is the

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Why is Verification of Banking App Databases Complex?

More and more different applications, serving various purposes and making life of their users easier, appear on the market almost every day. The applications promise easy and effortless solutions to

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How Prepare Requirements Before Banking App Testing?

Before entering upon mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing one should study the application requirements. Sometimes it is necessary to gather and clarify the requirements first. It

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What are Main Aspects of Banking Application Testing?

Proper testing of a banking program is a complex task as such software products have multiple levels, high requirements and involve a lot of other applications. A banking application usually

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