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3 Aspects of Software Product Security

Providing data security has grown to one of the most important aspects of any software product regardless of whether it is a gaming or banking application. The reason of so

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Why Describe Deployment Process in Release Notes?

Modern software products are large, complex, multilevel systems. Their construction and load testing, security testing, functional testing, and so on require much time and efforts. Testers must prepare the proper

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What to Focus on During E-Commerce Security Testing?

More and more people are involved in online activities. A lot of services became available online such as banking operations, booking tickets, online purchases, etc. Specialists in mobile application testing,

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What to test During Web Performance Testing?

In time of intense rivalry between software producers every aspect of a software product plays an important role in its success or failure at the market. That is why every

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What are Peculiarities of Web Software Back-End Testing?

Nowadays there are many types of software products, they have some specific features. One of specificities of web software products is that they mostly perform operations and locate on the

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How to Test Web Sites and Applications?

Web technologies became complex. They involve lots of various aspects and are meant to satisfy the user needs the best way. From simple informational sites web software products have evolved

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How Can Cookies Threat Web Software Security?

Some web software users have a prejudice against cookies. They claim that one of the reasons of their discontent is that cookies threaten safety of their sensitive data. Web developers

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Why do Many People Don’t Like Cookies?

Web software developers claim that cookies are created only for increasing usability and usefulness of web sites. But a lot of users and experts in web site testing disagree with

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What Are Peculiarities of Cookies?

More and more people use the Internet for work, educational purposes and entertainment. The majority of the Internet users cannot imagine their lives without it and favorite web software. That

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Client-Server and Web App Differences

Many types of software products are available now. Widely used are desktop, mobile and web programs, besides there are a lot of their combinations. Web technology is rapidly developing now.

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Testing of 2 Tire and 3 Tire Applications

There are many different types of software products. Their number grows together with evolution of information technology. Nowadays we use desktop, mobile, web software products and their different combinations. Variety

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