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For What Purposes Can Testing Models Be Utilized?

Models are helpful instrument for lots of activities that require generating ideas, allocating resources and streamlining efforts. Web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing are among them. Many software

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3 Causes of Software Testing Failure

All software testers are aware that one shouldn’t start web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing without proper preparatory works. But, unfortunately, preparation is often done too fast and

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Difference Between Checklist and Coverage Map

Many experts in software testing find that lightweight guidance is often more beneficial than the detailed one for mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing. Such guidance is

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4 Types of Project Documentation

It is hard and not so efficient to perform web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing without any documentation. Even if there are test-cases it may be difficult

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What Guidance Makes Testing Effective?

It is widely agreed that no manual or automated testing should be performed without planning. Elaboration of test plan and strategy helps to study and to understand the project better,

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What Should Test Coverage Be Like?

One of the most important aspects of web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing is test coverage. Many people think that test coverage is just a set of similar

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How to Provide the Best Test Coverage?

It stands to reason that efficiency of mobile application testing, desktop testing and of web site testing depends upon test coverage. Good test coverage must comprise tests for various aspects

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What is Test Coverage Specificity?

Information technology is rather abstract thing for many ordinary people. Tangible result of software development is properly working applications. Results of mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing are

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5 Tips to Increase Efficiency of Software Testing

It’s a matter of common knowledge that mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site testing, as well as a software development process, require creative approaches and cannot be entirely

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How to Enlarge Test Coverage?

Each web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing should provide sufficient and appropriate test coverage of a software product under test. Modern applications are complex, large systems supporting

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Efficient Testing Regardless of Allocated Time

A key to successful mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing is properly devised strategy. It allows testers to allocate testing efforts correctly even under strict time limits.

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