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The Truth About Unit Testing

Every testing type, for example, system testing, usability testing, integration testing, etc., has its own peculiarities and specific nature. In the sphere of software development and software testing, unit testing

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The Mystery of Exploratory Testing

In software testing sphere, there is an interesting suggestion that every checking type is actually exploratory testing. To find out whether it is true, one should know all peculiarities and

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GUI Testing vs Usability Testing

Some software testing types have much in common. It is important to distinguish the peculiarities of execution procedure of such resembling testing types as unit testing and integration testing, black

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System Testing vs Integration Testing

Sometimes it is difficult to understand the differences between the types of software testing. The usage of the particular type depends on the product itself, the main purpose of testing

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What Should be Known About Load Testing?

Testers with many years of experience in the software product testing know that load testing is divided into two subspecies – endurance testing and volume testing. Both subspecies vary by

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Difficulties of Translation or Localization Testing

Performing mobile testing or desktop testing, testers know very well what they need to do. But those, who have faced with localization testing for the first time probably asked themselves:

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Deceptive Opinion on Usability Testing

Sometimes employees of the software testing company are faced with incomprehensible, illogical applications, many functions and uses of which are often not obvious. In order to make the application popular,

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Methods of Web Applications Testing

Many testers during their career at least once faced with incomplete testing of sites that almost always leads to considerable financial costs, customer dissatisfaction, and, eventually, to the re-development of

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Why Configuration Testing?

Any member of the software testing company knows that configuration testing is a testing technique that evaluates the work of a program taking into account the different system configurations. Configuration

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Stress Testing vs Load Testing

Many people involved in the software testing process not once faced with the concept of load testing which means the check of the system’s behavior under normal and high load.

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Why to Perform Regression and Smoke Testing?

Sometimes, the software creators have limitations in budget and time for the product release on the market, but, nevertheless, they are aware that the system should always be tested for

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