Bugs in Production: Causes and Solutions
Even such a focused and attentive specialist as software tester is not immune to making a mistake. Testers may occasionally overlook a bug, and eventually it ends up in production.
Read MoreBrief Survival Guide for Testers
Both a beginner and an experienced software tester may have doubts on how to do the right thing in testing. It happens because if a tester makes a mistake, it
Read MoreWhat Is BPT (Business Process Testing)?
Not only software should be checked with the help of regression testing, system testing, manual testing, unit testing, performance testing, etc. The process of software production is more complicated and
Read MoreWhat Is Back-to-Back Testing?
Note: This article was updated in May 2020 Back-to-back testing is a software testing type widely used by testers. Why did it gain such popularity? The reason is simple
Read MoreShould Testing Strategies Be Modified?
Everything in people’s life is connected and interrelated. Everyone has some skills and knowledge of a certain field. But very often one applies these skills and experience in quite a
Read MoreThe Past and Future of Testing Process
Software testing has its own history with peaks and valleys. Its very core is being continually developed and modified in people’s consciousness. One believes that there is the traditional testing
Read MoreWhat Is Human Experience Testing?
Nowadays, the wearables are very popular. They are easy to use and help people to monitor different parameters. But, unfortunately, some glitches may happen, and it will disappoint users. The
Read MoreForms of Incremental Testing
In a software testing company, the employees always have a high skill level and deep knowledge of their main fields. They know what is concerning exploratory testing, reliability testing, penetration
Read MoreHow to Avoid a Snow-Ball Effect in Testing?
Different events and even troubles occur in our lives in the same way or slightly changed. Life is believed to have the cyclic nature. That is why it is better
Read MoreShould Automated Testing Be Deployed?
The success of software testing company is based on the constant development and improvement of its works and operating facilities. Times change and so do the people as well as
Read MoreIs it Necessary for a Tester to Be a Polyglot?
As there are a lot of different languages, software products are developed and modified for speakers of different languages. Often, performing web-site testing or mobile application testing, testers check the
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