How to Write Programs Effectively?
A lot of techniques and methods of programming have been elaborated for the last 2 decades. All of them are meant to simplify the process of software development and shorten
Read MoreAutomated Testing During Test-Driven Development
Automation is widely used during web site testing, desktop testing, mobile application testing. Automated tests are sensitive to various changes in the system and require lots of efforts for keeping
Read MoreWhy Modern Automation Tools Are Far From Being Perfect
Since 1950s software products began rapid evolution; various programming languages appeared one by one. Programs and computers became more complex and powerful. Automated testing has been actively utilized for a
Read MoreWhy Should One Participate in Beta Testing?
Today information technology involves not only programmers, but a lot of specialists in other fields as well. Software testing has become a perspective and rapidly evolving branch of IT. It
Read MoreHow Can a Freelancer Win Clients’ Confidence?
Nowadays freelancing is popular in various fields. Many freelance testers are looking for a job online. Competition between providers services in the testing games, website testing, e-commerce testing is high.
Read MoreTips on Working With Popular Sites for Freelance Testers
Many mature experts in web site testing, desktop testing, and mobile application testing started their careers as freelance testers at sites like,, Sites of that type help
Read MoreHow to Organize Workflow and Relationships in Test Team?
Workflow organization in a test team considerably influences efficiency of software testing. As a rule, people used to evaluating teamwork and every member’s contribution to it of upon the project
Read MoreHow to Select Managers for a Software Testing Project?
People, their intellect, skills, knowledge are the most valuable resources in software testing. One should properly allocate tasks and manage their execution to use the resources in the most beneficial
Read MoreWhy Plan Testing Even Under Tight Time Constraints?
Very little time is often allocated on web site testing, desktop testing and mobile testing. Software producers mostly concentrate on the development and saving costs, as a result, quality assurance
Read MoreHow to Organize Testing Efforts Under Tight Time Limitation?
At present software producers try to release their products as soon as possible. Sometimes they do not consider probable delays while planning, sometimes releasing the product before their competitors is
Read MoreWhy Maintain Software Dev and Testing Documentation?
Software development and software testing processes assume creation and maintaining lots of documents. Some programmers and testers are convinced that the majority or all of the documents are useless, so,
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