When to Choose Tools for Software Testing?
At present software testing is a complex multilevel process; it isn’t less sophisticated than the development process. That is why hardly any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing
Read MoreWhy is Test Plan so Important for Testing?
It is known that quality assurance and web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing are of utmost importance for success of a software product on the market. That
Read MoreHow Select Tool for Mobile Automated Testing?
Automation is more and more applied in course of software testing. It considerably diminishes time and efforts required for a project and thus increases the project profitability. One should properly
Read MoreWhy is Module Testing Important for a Project?
Modern software products are complex systems; their functionality is rich, they consist of many different modules. That is why every software testing process includes verifying quality of the system modules.
Read MoreHow to Choose a Suitable Test Management Tool?
Test management tools are always used in course of web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing. They help to plan various testing activities, track the progress of manual
Read MoreWhy to Adjust Tools for Load Testing?
It is known that any web site testing should include load testing. It allows to determine whether the system is ready to proper function under real life conditions, when certain
Read MoreWrong Boundary Ways to Manage Testing
In order to execute any mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing properly, all the works should be well planned and organized. Good business relationships between testers and managers
Read MoreWhy is it Hard to Hire Software Testers?
Though working in the field of information technology is prestigious, it appears that there are always fewer programmers and, in particular, experts in manual and automated testing, than required at
Read MoreWhat to Rely on during Usability Testing?
Perception of usability is rather subjective, as what is nice and pleasant for one person may seem ugly and irritating for another. It is also hard to measure usability. That
Read MoreWhat are Approaches for Manual and Automated Testing?
When test engineers perform web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing, they expect to find many defects. It is not because they consider the system to be bad or
Read MoreWhat is a Real Purpose of Automated Testing?
It is a common knowledge that any mobile testing, desktop testing and web site testing are meant to find all the serious defects in the software product under test. Tester’s
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