Types of Software Testing

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8 Magento Store Mistakes That Lead to The Loss Of Profits

 And tips from QA specialists on how to solve them When you read about Magento, you get the impression that there are two actions that you need to do: But

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Everything You Should Know About Accessibility Testing

The most famous and bright example of why content accessibility testing should be done happened with the popular anime Pokemon: over 685 victims. So, on December 16, 1997, all the

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The Role of Testers in an Agile Company

Do Agile companies need software testers? And if they do, how does being an Agile tester differ from working in other environments? While all members of an Agile team are

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Smoke Testing: What, Why & When

Testing type, the idea of which is to identify serious problems as early as possible and reject this build (return for revision) at a preliminary stage of testing. Smoke testing

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E-commerce Software Testing Guide

At a time when people around the world are pondering whether they’ll ever be able to spend another weekend at the mall, e-commerce websites and apps have been thriving like

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Performance Testing of E-commerce Applications

Since shopping moved largely online, the buyers of today have lots of options to choose from. The number of e-commerce applications is gaining traction, so does the competition on the

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7 Types of Security Testing

Nowadays, software users are highly concerned about the security of the data they store online. At the end of the day, there is a high possibility that hackers would try

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Webinar | How to ensure positive shopping experience: step-by-step guide on testing of Magento based online stores

There is no second chance for an online store to make the first sale if a visitor has a bad experience – slow page load, chart errors, inconvenient navigation, etc.

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E-Commerce Testing Checklist: Are you ready for digital transformation?

Technological leapfrog, mobile revolution, digital transformation… we are gradually moving to a new normal in our foreseeable future. But is your e-commerce application ready to face new challenges? Let’s check

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Agile Testing Top 10 Practices: How to Improve Release Management?

For software testing, the central idea behind agile practices is simple: to ensure flexible, and bug-free code, high test coverage, and greater productivity of the tests. But if to look

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Top-10 Trends in E-commerce Development

The E-commerce market expands every day and more people use this resource nowadays. It is estimated that 1,92 billion people shop online. What trends will dominate in the following years?

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