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- security testing
Security Testing Tools You Need to Know
The statistics of cyber attacks of the recent years shows that hackers broke 1061 blogs and websites in 2015 and 1017 ones in 2016. But when your website is hacked,
Read MoreHacking: Pluses and Minuses
Nowadays hacking is rather popular. Some people are engaged in hacking activity because of personal illegal profit, using confidential or personal information for blackmailing or something like this. For others,
Read MoreWhat Are the Threats of Software Security?
The main aim of security testing is to remove all critical flaws in the security system of software products. The specialists apply different techniques and methods in order to detect
Read MoreHow to Select a Penetration Testing Service Provider?
To have security testing effectively and thoroughly performed is quite a difficult task, especially, if this type of software testing is going to be outsourced. It is important to have
Read MoreWhat Is WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)?
Wireless networking has become very popular and many people were and still are not interested in the way the data is sent through the air and how this information can
Read MoreSecurity Testing Tools
Nowadays, security of personal and corporate data plays an important role. And a huge attention is paid to thorough penetration testing, security testing, access control testing, etc. To check whether
Read MoreSecurity Testing Myths
For various specialists, the notion ‘security’ has different meaning and includes diverse concept. In general, security means the combination of specific means that protect the product from malicious attacks and
Read MoreHow to Improve E-Commerce Products?
Nowadays, there is a huge amount of e-commerce products and new online-shops and apps appear every day. But it does not mean that the e-commerce market is closed for new
Read MoreLegal Hacking: Penetration Testing
In the world of digital technologies hacking takes one of the medal places in the category “worst developer’s nightmare”. That’s why software testing company provides such service as penetration testing, when
Read MoreSecurity Testing: Universal Recommendations
The realities of today’s world make every software testing company pay particular attention to the security of products under test. It’s no wonder, considering that the cost of mistakes is
Read MoreSecurity Testing: Protecting Customers from Day One
Early integration of security testing into the development process is essential and should in no case be neglected. Just think of what can happen if an app is hacked and
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