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In-house Mobile Application Testing: Truth About It

In-house mobile application testing is one of unproductive methods of software testing. Why is it so? What is the principle of its work? Such kind of mobile testing can be

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Importance of Mobile Application Testing

Every day web publications that offer technology news and analysis, as well as profiles of startup companies, products, and websites, make different online researches. According to one of the latest

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What Is a Markup App and how to Teste it?

There are different types of applications on which you can conduct software testing. One of them is called a markup application. Let us find out what it is. An application

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What Is Mobile Application and How Can It Be Classified?

A software testing company performs various types of software testing. Perhaps the most widespread and conducted of them is mobile application testing. Let us focus on this type of software testing.

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Safety Assurance And Failure Scope

Note: the article was updated in September 2018. Safety-critical systems are those, that can cause injury or even loss of user’s life in case of failure. Such systems can damage

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Mobile Test Automation: absolute black box

Automated testing is very interesting implemented. Check of the results performs by the check of images and recognition of text on the screen OCR. One of the platforms uses famous

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Mobile Test Automation: TestDroid

While I conducted the study a new solution for Android appeared. TestDroid is a plugin for Eclipse that allows you to record tests (record & play) in the Robotium format.

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Perfecto Mobile – An Overview

by Ajay BalamurugadasAs I had promised last month on twitter about a blog post on my experience with Perfecto Mobile, here it is. What is Perfecto Mobile? To quote them, Perfecto

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What Is A Mobile App and Why Do I Want One?

The birth of mobile phones brought us handy wireless communications devices but not much else. Over time as the cell phone has evolved, they’ve become more than just a means

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Android Application Testing Framework – Hello World Tutorial

Hello, Testing Android offers a powerful but easy-to-use testing framework that is well integrated with the SDK tools. Because writing tests is an important part of any development effort, this

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Mobile App Testing: Know Your User

Note: this article was updated in August 2019. The high competition in the mobile app market is a challenge for every Product Owner. The main goal is to catch users’

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