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What Defects Can Localization Testing Reveal?

We live in time of globalization. Nowadays information spreads fast. Anyone can learn what is going on on other continents just sitting in front of a personal computer, listening to

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Usability Testing: what to focus on?

Mobile devices are designed for work in different places, under various conditions. They are utilized for diverse purposes. Modern mobile phones and tablets are portable computers. Due to portability they

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Testing Software with Multiple Device Support

Users of software products are very creative. They interact with applications and work with devices in a manner that they find handy. A software testing company informs that sometimes the

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What Aspects to Consider During Usability Testing?

At present usability is of outmost importance for any software product, for mobile applications, in particular. In order to perform qualitative usability testing it is wise to engage users in

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Why Use User Models during Usability Testing?

Nowadays usability testing is a significant part of every testing process. Without it a web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing will be incomplete. It is known that

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How to Find More Usability Bugs?

Every novice tester knows that performing web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing one must check if the application under test complies with its specification requirements. If there

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How to Make Functional Testing Fruitful?

It is of common knowledge that functional testing is one of the most important activities in quality assurance. It is fundamental element of any mobile application testing, desktop testing or

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Why is Localization Testing Important?

Executing mobile application testing one should not forget about localization testing. Most of software products support several languages nowadays. Multilinguality sustains distribution of the application among people from various countries

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How Role of Software Usability Changed

Technologies and approaches to solving problems even statements of problems change with time. Software development and web site testing, desktop testing, mobile testing are among most rapidly evolving fields of

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Compability Bug: Testing on Various Devices

Nowadays people widely utilize personal computers, tablets and smartphones. Some devices are more convenient for usage in certain conditions. Others are more suitable for certain tasks. Software manufacturers want their

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Why Perform Mobile Testing on Different Devices?

There are many different mobile devices nowadays. They are of various sizes, have various processing capacities and operation systems. Mobile software products should function appropriately on any mobile device. That

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