Analyzing Results: TOP Most Effective Metrics in Software Testing
Have you ever thought about changing the car you have now? If yes, then what were the reasons you named: it’s best years have already passed, it eats too much
Read MoreWhat is Teamwork for Senior Software QA Engineer?
Let us ask you a question: what’s in common between ants colony and QA Department? The workaholism and hierarchy. Ants and QA engineers are structured, organized, and that’s why both of
Read MoreHow bugs impact your business. With real-life examples
Have you ever thought what is a bug in the software and how it could impact your business? Do you know the real cost of errors in your application? What
Read MoreHeart of Gaming: QATestLab Experience at Gamescom
On August 20-24 QATestLab team had a pleasure to visit Gamescom 2019 in Cologne, Germany. This year the event, which takes place since 2009, raised to the federal level –
Read MoreTesting at a Complex Project: QATestLab Real Case
While you are planning your vacation or are already enjoying a cocktail on the beach, the growth of IT projects is not going to slow down. They grow and develop,
Read MoreHow Time Reports Help Manage QA Team?
Every office has been in this situation: hearing one of the coworkers saying “Do we need this?” and understanding that the Time Report debates have started. Some people hate them
Read MoreChoosing Devices for Game Testing: How to Play this Game?
Today’s players know what they want. They are familiar with the quality of the graphic, scenarios, and strategies of games. Talking shortly, users know how to recognize a great job
Read MoreTop Android Devices to choose for Testing Apps in 2019
Fights and arguments about operational systems are still on. They look to be infinity but not chill. Android is a pretty strong competitor in this raise to be the best.
Read MoreGuide to Choose Correct Project Methodology
Agile, Waterfall, XP, Kanban, PMBOK are considered to be project management methodologies. But actually, it is not true. And now you will know why. Project management methodology is a set
Read MoreBenefits of Automation Testing for CIOs
What is the scope of work for CIOs? The field of their responsibilities is pretty vast, that’s why the instruments on effectiveness enhancing and control monitoring won’t go amiss. What
Read MoreTOP 10 Best Time Tracking Software of 2019
Did you know that on average a person spends almost 9 years watching TV, about 7 years trying to fall asleep, and 3 years are spent on social media? As
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