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Cross Browser Testing: Why? Where? When?

Talking about user interface testing, one cannot forget about the product checking on various devices, OS versions, and browsers. It is a widespread problem when a user wants to open

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Tips for Business Intelligence Testing

In order to improve business strategy and make thorough business decisions, each subject of the market tries to establish a well-organized business intelligence system. The so-called business intelligence testing is

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Must-Have for Regression Testing

Software testing undergoes many stages, modifications, additions, and so on during its execution. Performing regression testing, the specialists always hope for the absence of bugs, as well as of the

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Main Parts of Successful Test Plan

Any QA company tries to conduct an effective project management policy. Incomplete or poor project management, especially in the case of software testing, may lead to severe negative consequences for the

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A Blocker Error: Action Plan

Software testing permanently deals with the bugs and errors detection. It is well-known that the defects differ because of their severity: starting from the trivial and ending with the most

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3 Pieces of Advice While Creating Test Cases

Despite the fact that a tester’s job is connected with the various set of stages, most time is spent on writing of the test cases. Software testing company tries to

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Music and Testing: What Is in Common?

At first sight, it may seem strange what parallel can be drawn between the music and software testing. However, any real devotee and practician confirm that such analogy can be

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Software Testing as a Game: why and how?

Sometimes the testing procedure may seem as the unnecessary step of the software life-cycle. Such approach can initially cause bad consequences. Both a tester and a user will not be

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How Can a Tester Improve His Working Process?

Software testing closely echoes the changing of the seasons, because of its timing and work conditions. It can be full-featured website testing with the distinct specification at one period of

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4 Misconceptions About the Tester’s Job

Many people, who decided to connect their life with the IT sphere, are mistaken about the software tester position, and sometimes even do not set aside it. Well, it is

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Improve Your Pro-level with Agile Testing Techniques

While the agile approach to software testing is booming, each of the professional testers should permanently increase his knowledgeability and software testing careers. There are three main features of the

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