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Technical Tester vs Non-Technical Tester

This post was updated in May 2018. In 2018, the absence of good technical background is a huge minus. The problem of technical QA vs non-technical generates many debates. But

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Tester’s Biggest Misbelief

In software testing company, the specialists always repeat that they are very busy and do not have enough time to perform, for example, black-box testing. The core reason of this

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Who Is Omega Tester?

In software testing company, some test teams may be understaffed. But pretty soon they will be fully staffed. The checking of small projects requires one specialist. Several testers may work

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What Is Software Development Life Cycle?

Every specialist engaged in IT sphere should know the components of software development life cycle. It is necessary to realize the whole picture of software production. The acronym SDLC for

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The Mystery of Exploratory Testing

In software testing sphere, there is an interesting suggestion that every checking type is actually exploratory testing. To find out whether it is true, one should know all peculiarities and

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Lack of Basic Documentation Is Not a Verdict for a Tester

A lot of people believe in a world where everything is in its place, and needed things are always close in hand. Unfortunately, it is not like that. The employees

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Brief Survival Guide for Testers

Both a beginner and an experienced software tester may have doubts on how to do the right thing in testing. It happens because if a tester makes a mistake, it

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What Is BPT (Business Process Testing)?

Not only software should be checked with the help of regression testing, system testing, manual testing, unit testing, performance testing, etc. The process of software production is more complicated and

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What Is Back-to-Back Testing?

Note: This article was updated in May 2020   Back-to-back testing is a software testing type widely used by testers. Why did it gain such popularity? The reason is simple

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Should Testing Strategies Be Modified?

Everything in people’s life is connected and interrelated. Everyone has some skills and knowledge of a certain field. But very often one applies these skills and experience in quite a

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The Past and Future of Testing Process

Software testing has its own history with peaks and valleys. Its very core is being continually developed and modified in people’s consciousness. One believes that there is the traditional testing

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