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Why to Pay Attention to Mobile Web Software?

Now web technology is widely utilized in mobile software products. Mobile web programs and web sites have become extremely popular. According to the researches, at present more than half of

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Mobile Hybrid Software Products: pros and cons

Native and web software products are constantly competing. Their producers combine, improve and adjust divers best practices and techniques in order to create mobile or desktop software with excellent performance,

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What are Advantages Mobile Programs?

Mobile technology is actively developing now. Mobile software engineers adjust and combine existing methods and instruments, and create the new ones in order to produce the best mobile programs that

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Why May Mobile Web Programs Surpass Native Ones?

Many various mobile programs are available now. A software testing company can confirm that today native mobile software products are superior to web based ones in many aspects. Web site

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Why Cloud Computing is so Widely Used Today?

A lot of software products are available through the cloud computing nowadays or the cloud, as it is usually called. The service is used by many owners of web applications.

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3 Popular Types of Mobile Applications

Information technology has become complex and sophisticated. One should spend years in order to study its processes and principles of work. At the same time a child can take tablet

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What are Peculiarities of Web Software Servers?

Web technology has been actively developing for more than 20 years. For this period web software products turned from simple informational web sites into complex web applications that can perform

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What to Check During Mobile Web Software Testing?

Mobile and desktop software products have some specific features and significant distinctions. That is why web site testing and program testing on personal computers significantly differs from mobile application testing.

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Compatibility Testing of Mobile Web Program

Compatibility testing plays an important role in web site testing. If a web application is supposed to work in one operating system, there are still many devices where the operating

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Problems with Mobile Devices Usage

It is common knowledge that much fewer resources are available on smartphones and tablets than on personal computers. One may notice performing mobile application testing, desktop testing and web site

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How Select Platform Configurations for Compatibility Testing?

There are many kinds and models of desktop and mobile devices nowadays. At least several operating systems are popular on personal computers and smartphones and tablets. Each platform supports several

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