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How to Get Education in Software Testing?

Nowadays there are some software testing institutes to choose from. If you decided to connect your life with mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing, you should apply to

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How not to Fail an Interview for a Position of Software Tester?

Usually at the beginning of an interview an employer asks an applicant to present himself or herself. One should make a good impression to set the conversation in the right

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Why to Consider User Emotions and Behavior During Testing?

Nowadays the users have a wide choice of various software products. This is the reason of fierce competition between software producers on the market. Usability became one the important aspects

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How to Pass the Interview for the Position of a Tester?

Note: the articel was updated in November 2018. A successful job interview is of great significance for the career in software testing as well as in any other field. It’s

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How Restart a Career in Testing after a Break?

Sometimes a person may have a short-term career break. There are many possible reasons for such a break, for example, health problems, getting additional education, maternity leave, moving to a

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How Become Tester Working in Other Field?

Sometimes a person may get disappointed with his/her current career. In this case one should make changes to feel in one’s element again. Choosing a new field for building a

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How to Get Started in Software Testing?

Gaining professional experience is of great importance for the future success in one’s career. Potential candidates with little or no testing experience will hardly ever find a well-paid job with

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3 Common Misconception about Software Testing

There are several misbeliefs about software testing jobs, which may lead to wrong conclusions about building a career in a software testing company and cause a lot of frustration to

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How Environment Impacts Mobile Software Functionality?

Mobile software products are very susceptible to different outer influences. That is why mobile application testing should include checking of the system behavior under various environment conditions, unlike desktop testing

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Why to Test Functioning of Location Services?

Since the users take tablets and smartphones with them everywhere and mobile devices are used in various places, necessity of determining position of the device and user arouses. Information about

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How to Get a Job in a Software Testing Company?

Many people believe it is very hard to get a well-paid job in a software testing company without any work experience in software testing. But that there are several useful

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