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How to Define Technologies Used Mobile App?

Information technologies become more and more complex and sophisticated. New types of software products emerge and get integrated with each other so that it is hard to tell to what

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How Test Web Software on Mobile & Desktop Devices

At present smartphones and tablets are almost as powerful as some personal computers are. Mobile technology has become complex. Due to its rapid development we witness glut of various mobile

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3 Languages Mostly Used in Modern Web Apps

Modern web technology is rather sophisticated. It allows to create dynamic and user friendly web applications. Due to information technology evolution and constant enhancement of software products testers often find

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What Are Peculiarities of Modern Web Applications?

Before proceeding to web site testing, desktop testing or mobile application testing, one should familiarize oneself with the utilized technologies, specificity of structure, back end, functional and non-functional characteristics of

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4 Common Problems of Mobile Network Connection

Network connection is an inherent aspect of working in the Internet. Many modern software products rely on the web. One cannot access the web without proper network connection. That is

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Mobile Web App not as Good as Desktop Web Software

Information technology is one of the most fast-evolving areas. It appeared relatively not long ago, but it has already made a big leap in the development. In early 1990s few

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Should Networking Issues be Always Included in Testing?

A lot of modern software products utilize Internet. Such applications do not operate if the connection is absent. Everybody knows that web sites are among these applications, as no site

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How Increase Mobile Testing Effectiveness

Testing became an integral part of any software development process. Success of the constructed application in production greatly depends upon properly executed mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing.

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On What Documents Should a Test Plan be Based?

Every novice tester knows that a test plan is an important document. It contains significant information about the testing process and instructions on how to execute mobile testing, desktop testing

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4 Common Quality Criteria of Software Products

Software testing plan must be well thought out and involve all the significant issues of the testing process. One of the issues is quality criteria. It is important to know

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How Can Test Reports Be Represented?

Software testing is an intangible process. The only way to demonstrate results of testers’ work is reporting about the discovered errors. The reports show other stake holders the progress of

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