Customer loyalty programs: types and tools overview
Customer loyalty programs gain more and more popularity. Remember, how many times did you use customer loyalty programs last month? You probably even have such an application on your smartphone.
Read MoreOnline casino testing: challenges and solutions
Note: this article was updated in June 2020. A long time ago gambling fans all over the world took to online casinos to fulfill their craving for the adrenaline rush,
Read MoreWeaknesses of Mobile Streaming Applications
Streaming video, audio, and multimedia make 63% of the internet traffic and 44% of this traffic stand for mobile. Streaming media is the method used to deliver digital multimedia elements
Read MoreIs your online store ready for Christmas Rush?
This wonderful time of winter holidays when everybody is happy and excited… Happy?! Are you sure? Did you know that 63% of people feel stress during holiday time (according to
Read MoreMobile Test Automation: How Does it Happen?
Note: the article was updated in November 2020. The current state of the mobile software development market is changing greatly because of the influence of AR (Augmented Reality), wearable apps, IoT
Read MoreApplicant Tracking Systems: review by HR specialist
If you know what the abbreviation ATS means and you have the favorite ATS system, then you probably are connected with HR (Human Resources) and recruitment. Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
Read MoreRobo Advisors vs Human Financial Advisors
Are you ready to entrust your finances and savings to a financial advisor? And what if it would be a robo advisor? Who do you trust most – a robot
Read MoreGDPR in QA: influence on test data management
In the world of total computerization and digital techniques we all concern about the access to our personal information and its possible use. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into
Read MoreWhere are VCD (Voice Control Devices) used?
Voice control over devices is not the science fiction anymore. The voice-user interface (VUI) gives the possibility to interact with devices via voice/speech platforms. This interaction results in the automation
Read MoreVoIP Messengers: Possible Challenges and Their Solutions
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP or IP telephony) is a popular and widespread technology of delivering voice and multimedia over IP networks. Everyone used or at least heard of such
Read MoreTesting trends in 2019 and further
What does Quality Assurance (QA) industry prepare for us in the upcoming year? What approaches will be in-demand? What products will cause challenges for traditional testing methodology? Today we will
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