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Security Testing: Protecting Customers from Day One

Early integration of security testing into the development process is essential and should in no case be neglected. Just think of what can happen if an app is hacked and

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Test Automation: Cleaning Up Your Test Scripts

As the software product evolves and grows, its source code becomes more and more messy. It happens because of numerous additions, modifications and patches applied to the code in the

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Performance Testing: Practical Tips from the Field

When a software tester has to perform performance testing or load testing for the first time, he often feels confused and clueless. The aspects of these types of testing may

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Performance of E-Commerce Products

For the success of an e-commerce product, one of the determinative factors is its performance. Even if functional testing and security testing were performed thoroughly and did not reveal any

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Functional vs Performance Testers

It is no secret that a manager should assign specific tasks to an expert in software testing with a particular reason. For example, the execution of functional testing and performance

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Open-Source Tools for Test Automation

There is no doubt that a software testing company can provide a high level of services with the help of traditional test automation frameworks. In fact, a lot of specialists

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UI Testing on Android: How to Do It Right

The major part of mobile market is currently occupied by Android devices. All actions that users perform on Android devices affect the user interface and lead to its changes. A

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Implementing Continuous Testing in Agile

The Agile methodology implies continuous delivery of fully functioning software portions. A reasonable question appears: If the development process is continuous, shouldn’t the software testing process be continuous as well?

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Load Testing: When Timing Is Everything

In a software testing company, experts’ views on the approach to load testing are usually divided. Some testers prefer executing functional testing and performance testing in as realistic environment as

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Like Clockwork: What to Do If There Are No Bugs

Every software testing company occasionally experiences bug-free periods. During such periods, end users do not find more or less critical bugs in the production version of a product. This means

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Latest Ongoing Trends in Software Testing

Some experts say that the newest trends in software testing field are, for example, automated testing, cloud, and mobile application testing, focusing on business issues. But are those tendencies really

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