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5 Secrets of Positive Attitude to Testing
There are days when a software tester feels utterly discouraged from negative perception of his work. This happens because developers that work in the same software testing company perceive the
Read More5 Main Obstacles on the Road to Fruitful Testing
Fortunately for everybody concerned, software testing is no longer considered as a purely theoretical area of knowledge or activity. Instead, testing is more and more often perceived as a full-fledged
Read MoreWhy Robot is not a Substitute for Human Tester
It’s been years and years of discussions about replacing all manual testing processes with automated ones. This goes along with the general debates of whether or not robots will be
Read MoreWhy not to Rely on Tools during Accessibility Testing
A good software tester always uses certain instruments to improve and streamline the testing process. The whole idea of automated testing arose from the usage of tools during software product
Read More3 Reasons to Conduct Regression Testing
The purpose of software testing is not only to find a bug but also to help fixing it. Bug fixing often causes additional bugs. That is why every software testing
Read MoreWhat is the price of a software bug?
Everyone who has heard something about software testing is sure that the main tester’s goal is to discover bugs. In general, it is correct. But to discover software errors is
Read MoreWhat Is the Biggest Bug Producer?
The specialists from software testing company discover bugs every day in every product. They apply various principles during mobile, web or game testing. Their main task is to check and evaluate
Read MoreA Formal Definition of Software Bug
Everyone, who is interested in software testing or has heard something about it, understands what a bug is. But not all are able to explain the exact conditions of errors
Read MoreHow a Software Bug Can be Called?
In software testing company, the specialists use various terms to name a system error. The bug may have different nature, area of happening and consequences. It can have minor priority,
Read MoreWhat Is Scalability Testing?
Note: the article was updated in June 2018. Scalability is a system capacity to function under overloads without affecting response time and requiring no redesign to cope with the workload.
Read MoreWhat Bug Tracking System to Use? (Part 2)
Besides Bugzilla, the experts from software testing company may also use Mantis, Trac and Redmine. It may depend on the tester’s preferences. Mantis BT is a web based bug tracking
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