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What Are the Requirements for Video Game Tester?

Nowadays the game industry is very popular. New versions of different games and new innovative games are released rather often. There are a lot of gamers not only among the

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Automate or not Automate – That Is the Question!

Browsing the popular software testing blogs and forums, one may notice that automation is one of the next years’ trends in IT field. However, it is a point at issue

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Game Development Roles

The procedure of game creation is rather complex and it requires the participation of various specialists who fulfill certain tasks and perform a specified scope of work. Only effective and

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What Is the Impact of VR?

Nowadays, VR (Virtual Reality) is rather popular. A lot of applications, programs and games are created for VR technologies. Actually, it is a three-dimensional environment generated by computer for interacting

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Software Test Automation: Problems and Tips

Frequently, QA teams are in a fix when it comes to automation. It is required many skills, effort, and experience in order to thorough know when to implement automated tests.

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4 Inherent Parts of Modern Test Automation

Everyday new trends, terms, and concepts appear in the IT world. It happens so because information innovations have been permanently developing during last few decades. And what took much time,

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UI Testing of iOS Apps with UIAutomation

Apple Inc. provided a special tool for creating and running auto tests to conduct UI testing of various products both on real devices and iOS simulators. It is developed in

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Specifics of Mobile Game Testing

Nowadays, games are very popular among users of different ages, occupations, and lifestyles. According to the data, provided by Forbes, 80% of people who have got a smartphone even once

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How to Automate a Long-standing Website?

Sometimes a tester faces such task as to perform the automation tests of the website which was released many years ago and now requires some new features development. Before the

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TestComplete Platform: Brief Summary

Software testing frequently requires automated assistance as it is rather hard to perform successfully only manual testing without exterior help. Such situation usually occurs when it comes to automated checking.

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5 Distinct Pluses of Automated Testing

Nowadays QA company more and more applies the automation principle in software product testing. Being one of the last IT trends, automated testing allows a tester to monitor the test procedure

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