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Performance of E-Commerce Products

For the success of an e-commerce product, one of the determinative factors is its performance. Even if functional testing and security testing were performed thoroughly and did not reveal any

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Functional vs Performance Testers

It is no secret that a manager should assign specific tasks to an expert in software testing with a particular reason. For example, the execution of functional testing and performance

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Implementing Continuous Testing in Agile

The Agile methodology implies continuous delivery of fully functioning software portions. A reasonable question appears: If the development process is continuous, shouldn’t the software testing process be continuous as well?

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Load Testing: When Timing Is Everything

In a software testing company, experts’ views on the approach to load testing are usually divided. Some testers prefer executing functional testing and performance testing in as realistic environment as

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Like Clockwork: What to Do If There Are No Bugs

Every software testing company occasionally experiences bug-free periods. During such periods, end users do not find more or less critical bugs in the production version of a product. This means

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Insufficient Test Coverage: How to Remedy the Situation

Test coverage is an essential aspect for a software testing company that works in accordance with Agile methodology principles. For a specialist of software testing, the first step in defining

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Indisputable Proof That Testing Is Immortal

A software tester often faces the discussions about the death of testing. It is the time to review the reasons why those worries are, to put it mildly, premature. Why

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Improve Testing with Continuous Learning

Typical software testing company never stands still but always strives to improve its overall process of testing. In order to do this, a company needs to apply the principles of

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How to Reprogram a Mindset before Accepting Agile Principles?

Prior to plunging into Agile, a software testing company should forget a bunch of rules typical for traditional practices. What Traditional Principles Should Be Unlearned? Before its execution and completion,

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How to Improve Security with Penetration Tests?

There is a quite popular approach to security testing. The approach is to find small security flaws that cannot actually bring severe damage to a product even if found and

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How to Find More Bugs with Exploratory Testing

Practice shows that test managers tend not to use exploratory testing in IT processes they manage. Instead, they often rely on automated testing or specification-based functional testing. Luckily, the situation

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