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Load and Performance Testing in Agile

The Agile methodology is all about speed and velocity. Therefore, it is surprising that load testing and performance testing are often executed only at the end of development process. In

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When Emulation Is Not Enough: Testing in Production

In a software testing lab, a lot of attention is given to bug hunting in a testing environment. Some customers believe that it is all they need for a bug-free product.

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What Are the Pros of Test Management in Agile?

Many experts believe that a software testing company that works according to the Agile methodology doesn’t actually need test management. Indeed, Agile company can operate without test management as such.

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Keys to Successful Agile Test Automation

The Agile methodology is widely known by its short and iterative development cycles. With this approach, automated testing proves to be highly productive and useful. Any software testing company with

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Fundamentals of Software Testing

Practical effectiveness of test effort may notably vary depending on multiple factors. Each type of testing, such as functional testing, security testing or load testing, has its own particularities. Still,

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What Agile Principles Make a Tester’s Life Easier?

A lot of software testing teams still use waterfall methodology in their workflows. It’s no crime considering that the transition to agile principles is not easy. There are plenty of

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To Fix or Not to Fix? That Is the Question

For a novice software tester, the most important thing is to present his/her professionalism and knowledge by finding a lot of bugs during functional testing, regression testing, load testing, unit

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Things Testers Don’t Enjoy about Their Work

Different polls and surveys show that testers generally love their jobs. But there are several things that may bother even the most satisfied expert of software testing. Some of these

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Testing Is an Activity. Or Is It?

Lately there has been a lot of talk about whether software testing can be considered as an activity or not. Perhaps the correct answer is that testing is not actually

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Tester’s Rules of Fruitful Communication

An experienced specialist of software testing or mobile testing knows that having strong communication skills is a great prerequisite for professional’s overall success in a software testing company. There are

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Tester in Agile Team: Areas of Expertise

Seasoned expert of software testing always knows (or quickly finds out) what to do and how to do it. A software testing company expects testers to have a wide area

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