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Why Problems Happen During Mobile Testing

Nowadays any software development, as well any web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing, is always challenging. Plenty of factors and conditions must be taken into account. Even

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How Increase Fruitfulness of Web, Desktop and Mobile Testing?

There are no doubts that fruitfulness of any testing process is based on careful preparations and planning of web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing, and on testers’ skills

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How to Prepare for Mobile, Desktop or Web Testing?

Planning a testing process, one should familiarize oneself with the project, system under test, and perform some researches. Testers should take into account lots of various factors in order to

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Test Goals: Offensive & Defensive Approach

There are no doubts that correct setting of test goals plays key role in every web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing. As a rule, testers must determine

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What Aspects Must Testing Strategy Comprise?

Testers must elaborate testing strategy before starting mobile testing, desktop testing or web site testing. Some people may call in question the necessity of spending precious time on deliberating about

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How to Choose Devices for Mobile Testing?

A lot of different aspects must be considered when planning software testing. Determining what devices to use is very important point of any mobile application testing. Choosing of devices is

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How select only one platform for mobile testing?

Planning mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing one should decide on what platforms to perform testing works. Today there are a great number of mobile and desktop

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How test a mobile app for wide range of users?

At present there are a lot of various software products. The ranges of users for modern applications are also different. Some programs are for narrow range of users, some are

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How to Select a Platform for Mobile Testing

It is necessary to select platforms for any mobile application testing, desktop testing or web site testing. It is not an easy thing to make the right choice, in particular

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What to Make Mobile Testing Effective?

Nowadays there are plenty of different smart devices. Technologies are rapidly evolving and today we can work with divers smart, friendly and useful devices and software products. This variety of

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Why and How to Work out Test Strategy?

It is known that before entering upon any activity is wise to elaborate strategy, that is to think how to organize the work. Such approach enhances efficiency of any tasks,

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