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5 Characteristics of a Good Bug Report

The only tangible result of any web site, desktop or mobile testing is bug reports. That is why testers should be very serious about error reports and write them thoroughly.

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Why Do Bug Reports Cause Negative Feelings?

Errors, found during mobile testing, desktop testing, web site testing, and error reports always upset software engineers to some extent. That makes sense, as bug reports always deliver bad news

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How to Reproduce Unreproducible Bug?

Intermittent and unreproducible software bugs complicate work of testers. The most sophisticated intermittent errors usually occur in course of mobile application testing. As a rule, few defects can be unreproducible

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How to Explain an Intermittent Error?

Intermittent software bugs complicate any web site, desktop or mobile testing. It is necessary to determine why they happen and how to repeat them in order to assure quality of

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Investigator and QA: what is in commom?

Software testers and developers know that unreproducible or intermittent errors are adverse for a software product. But, unfortunately, they occur in course of web site testing, desktop testing or mobile

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Factors that Cause Intermittent Errors

Experienced testers know that during web, desktop or mobile testing one has to deal with intermittent software bugs from time to time. Most often they occur during mobile application testing. Testers

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How Reproduce Intermittent Errors on Mobile Software

Some errors discovered during mobile, desktop or web site testing cannot be reproduced. If there is an unreproducible software bug, it means that the tester overlooks and does not consider

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Instruments to Make Informative Error Messages

In order to execute mobile, desktop or web site testing professionally and create distinct, informative bug reports some instruments must be used. The instruments are needed for making screenshots, videos

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Additional Info Needed for Bug Report

Bug reports play significant role in software development life cycle. It is impossible and useless to execute web, desktop or mobile application testing without them, as no results of testers’

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Aspects of Mobile Test Environment to Considered

Executing web, desktop or mobile testing one should consider a lot of factors that may influence test results. If a software bug reproduces randomly it may signify that testers overlook

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What Title Should Bug Report Have?

Experienced testers know that the most significant elements of any mobile, desktop or web site testing are bug reports. They demonstrate results of testers’ work. So, every software tester must

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