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Mobile Testing: Input Data Processing

Each software product needs to receive certain information. This makes inputting an important element for software functioning. Testers must not leave this fact out of account performing web, desktop or

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Data a Mobile Application May not Handle

Modern mobile applications are often very vulnerable to unsuitable inputs. There are situations during mobile application testing when a tester enters several certain symbols in a row and the software

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Why is High Rating Important for Mobile Software?

When a user chooses a new mobile software product, he or she goes to a mobile software store and searches for applications with needed functions. Usually there are at least

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What Activities Should Mobile Testing Include?

At present tablets, smartphones and mobile phones can be used for entertainment, finding suitable routes, making online purchases and many other tasks. With their help one can do so many

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Expected Bugs during Mobile Testing

Mobile software products appeared not so long ago. Some of them are adjusted versions of programs for personal computers. Maybe these facts are among reasons of weird errors and unexpected

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4 Situations When Mobile App Should be Tested

It is known that in course of a web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing it is important to check the software product behavior under different conditions, in particular,

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5 Common Problems of Mobile Web Applications

Nowadays a lot of various mobile software products appeared. Most of web sites have versions for tablets, smartphones and mobile phones as their owners want them to be available for

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When do Location Services Function Poorly?

It is known that work of many modern mobile applications is based on information about the tablet, smartphone or mobile phone location. This means that proper operation of location services

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How Mobile Software Determine Device Location

Location services play important role in most of modern mobile software products. That is why they should be considered in course of almost any mobile application testing. Desktop testing or

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What to Check during Mobile Application Testing?

In course of any web site testing, desktop testing or mobile testing one should check the application behavior under different conditions and see how it reacts on various kinds of

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Key Point of Mobile Testing: Device Sensors

Mobile devices and mobile software products support many types of inputs. It is wise to check all possible ways of inputs in course of mobile application testing. The main method

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