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Why Perform Mobile Testing on Different Devices?

There are many different mobile devices nowadays. They are of various sizes, have various processing capacities and operation systems. Mobile software products should function appropriately on any mobile device. That

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Mobile Testing Under Different Network Connections

Nowadays most of software products rely on the World Wide Web. Many of them cannot function without connection to the Internet. So, almost any web site testing, desktop testing or

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How to Perform Location Tour?

Most of modern mobile devices can determine their location. Location services are widely utilized by mobile users directly and they are involved in many mobile software products. Location service is

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Why to Perform Mobile Testing Under Different Lighting?

Note: the article was updated in December 2018. Nowadays, wherever you go you always take your smartphone with you. That implies using the device indoor and outdoor, in the daylight

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What Can Go Wrong When Using Mobile Accessories?

Many mobile software products assume utilizing of accessories. Accessories make interaction with a software product more pleasant and effective. However they may cause certain problems. Problematic situations should be checked

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Testing of Mobile Apps with Accessories

Modern devices can work with many various accessories enhancing user experience and simplifying interaction with devices. That is why one cannot ignore them performing mobile testing, desktop testing and web

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What Bugs Can Be Found During Gesture Tour?

Testing tours are among widely used approaches to web site testing, desktop testing and mobile application testing. There are many types of them. One of the efficient approaches to mobile

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What Are Mobile Testing Tours?

It is known that software testing is a creative process and each testing process demands individual approach. In spite of it there are some techniques and methods that can be

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What are effective approaches to mobile testing?

Software testing is rather young field of activity. It appeared recently in comparison with other spheres of work and began rapid development. In spite of this, some techniques and methods

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What Influences over Wireless Data Transmitting?

At present wireless technology is widely utilized for transmitting information, cellular networks and access to the World Wide Web. It seems strange, but Heinrich Herz, the discoverer of the wireless

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What Are Peculiarities of Using Radio Waves?

For those who perform mobile testing it may be interesting to know that people began to utilize wireless technology long before mobile phones, smartphones and tablets appeared. Radio waves are

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