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4 Common Myths About Regression Testing

Every day new information technologies continue to emerge: mobile and desktop applications, games, complex websites. Thereafter, QA company has new responsibilities and much work to perform. How should software testing be

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TestComplete Platform: Brief Summary

Software testing frequently requires automated assistance as it is rather hard to perform successfully only manual testing without exterior help. Such situation usually occurs when it comes to automated checking.

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Qualities HRs Seek for Tester’s Position

Any software testing company is scrupulous about hiring specialists for its activity.  And this is hardly surprising as software testing as a day-to-day process requires not only enough bundle of

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Agile Team: Types of Self-management

Any modern software testing company tries to establish the principles of the agile methodology in its activity. With regard to some peculiarities of such technique, it may be not so

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What Problems May a Big Test Team Cause?

Usually, if a big number of specialists is involved in software testing, then it means that the project is rather complex. Thus, the test process will be very difficult, full

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Ideal Day for a Tester: What Should It Consist of?

Each working day in software testing company presupposes the certain actions and steps to be performed. The tasks may vary from project to project, however, there is a quite big

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5 Myths of Retrospective Meeting

A lot has been said about the retrospective meeting and its meaning in the software testing company activity. It was revealed that such kind of discussion of the done work

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Stress `Overshoots` during Testing: How to Resist

The modern pace of life makes more people feel stress, fatigue and sometimes even exhaustion every day. Such problems may occur both at home and office. Undoubtedly, not each business

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Software Tester: First Steps

Software testing company tries to hire the specialists with a deep knowledge of the IT science – the graduates from the field-specific Institutes and Universities. However, sometimes it happens very

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How to Solve Accessibility Problems?

In our ever-evolving modern world, there are people with different physical possibilities and this has to be concerned during various things production. Software products are not an exception. An accessibility

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Why to Write Test Cases?

Manual testing often involves such activity as test case writing. The experienced testers know that the process of test case creating, as well as their execution, usually requires much time,

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